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Kaohsiung CityGovernment



    Slow down, Wait and Watch when Making Left Turns at Light Rail Intersections! The Transportation Bureau Released a Short Video to Promote Left-Turn Safety Print
    • Publishing Date:2024-04-25~2025-04-02
    • Update Time:2024-04-22 09:24
    • Clickthrough Rate:38
    • Publishing Unit:高雄市政府交通局
    • Publisher:交通工程科

    【Kaohsiung News】Kaohsiung Light Rail has been officially launched after a decade of waiting. This Circular Light Rail not only offers citizens a more convenient transportation service, but also helps to redesign the roads along the route. In order to follow the multi-phase signal control at intersections and to educate pedestrians on how to make left turns correctly, the Transportation Bureau and Spokesperson of the Kaohsiung City Government, Ms. Amber Chou, have made a special video ( to remind drivers to follow "slow down, wait, and watch" as they drive or ride through intersections where left-turning is allowed along the Light Rail.
      As circular light rail is now in operation, the accessibility and coordination of the adjacent roads around the Dashun Rd. will be improved. At present, a total of 10 intersections, including Longdesin Rd., Heti Rd., Dafong Rd. and Sianjheng Rd., are available for making left-turns along the east loop of the Light Rail Transit. Through dedicated left-turn lanes and green light with arrow, it provides a more convenient road environment for the residents living along the Light Rail route.
      Amber Chou, spokeswoman of the Kaohsiung City Government, said that the simple three-word slogan in the video will remind the citizens to follow "slow, wait and watch" when they pass through the left-turn intersections along the Light Rail routed:  "Slow" drive through the transition zone carefully and slowly; "wait" vehicle making a left-turn should enter the left-turn lane and wait, do not cross the line; and "watch" _make a left-turn only when seeing the left-turn signal is on.
      In terms of crossroads, the Transportation Bureau has also planned left-turn lanes at intersections with heavy traffic. In addition to Jiangong Rd. and Jianguo Rd., a left-turn lane has recently been set up at the intersection of Dingshan St. Together with the dedicated left-turn signal, it minimizes the possible collision between going straight and left-turning vehicles, resolves the traffic congestion at light rail intersections when the green light is over, enhances safety and efficiency and provides the convenience for the citizens to go shopping at the nearby shopping malls.
       The Secretary of Transportation, Ms. Shu-Chuan Chang, said that since the east loop of the LRT was opened, most road users have been able to gradually follow the signals and marks. She hopes through the video to raise the awareness of the citizens, to educate them on the correct way to make left turns]. and to ensure the safety on the road for everyone.

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